
Programmer, explorer, and life enthusiast. Work for Microsoft and previously worked in games and part of Havok middleware team. Views expressed here are my own.

Website Updates and Cleanup

Moving to a static website was certainly the right one, but despite the move, I still needed to make quite a few updates once I came back to the site. Some areas that changed: Yarn/NPM dependencies needed to be update, see Upgrade all packages and run audit fixes · joelvaneenwyk/homepage@5f8068a yarn-audit-fix GitHub actions were deprecated and needed updates, see Upgrade GitHub actions that were deprecated · joelvaneenwyk/homepage@c89f452. GitHub Actions: Deprecating save-state and set-output commands | GitHub Changelog

Hugo Website Refresh

Finally made the switch to Hugo after battling with my hand-crafted website for too long. Final straw was that there were just too many out-of-date dependencies which caused everything to break in small and subtle ways. My options were to either spend a lot of time fixing that site or start from scratch. The former option would mean being stuck with hand-crafted garbage that would inevitably break again or switch to something that would last a bit longer (hopefully) and be a bit more battle-tested.

Dev Notes - February 24th, 2019

I decided to refactor my website to make it easier to use and update as well as remove HTTPS support since it was expensive and not really necessary for my needs. In short, huge mistake. First issue was with stopping auto-redirect after disabling HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) and the SSL endpoint. Seems like disabling it should be really straightforward but turns out it really isn’t because browsers cache a lot of information and the default age of HSTS is pretty long (60+ days).

Dev Notes - October 23rd, 2017

In updating my blog finally with some dev notes, it became quickly apparent that my website tech was outdated already. Yet another reason I really don’t like web dev. Few things: Apparently Bower is now deprecated and need to move to Yarn: Prevent this by migrating to Yarn Currently I maintain a ‘private’ version and public version of the website. The reasons I did this seem no longer valid. I’ve been paying to have a secure HTTPS version of the site.

Dev Notes - October 22nd, 2017

Traveling is always my most productive time for random thoughts and coding exercises. Doesn’t always mean clean code in fact it basically never does, but I always have a list of topics I’d like to explore and then when on a plane I finally have time to do that. This time I tackled a few topics: SQLite-net Reveal.js Browser extensions (webpack, TypeScript) Reveal.js For work, I create presentations using PowerPoint quite a bit.


As it happens, we can’t actually build native plugins since VSCode is built off Javascript/Typescript. I have a vague memory of setting up Emscripten in the past and it not being that painful to setup, but this experience was less than pleasant. The major issue I ran into was that ’emcc.bat’ calls ‘Python’ but the default version of Python that I use is 32-bit while the binaries included in most standard versions of Emscripten are 64-bit.