
The thinking in the brain


Been busy planning various things over the last few days. Trying to decide what things are of greatest importance and making a plan of what needs to be done and when. My website, demo reel, and Agents are really high on the priority list. As I’ll be flying back to China over Christmas break, I’m seriously considering buying a laptop so that I can continue my work. By spending ~$1000 I can get a decent laptop that should suite my needs. It’s a considerable investment, but one I think will pay off quickly. If anyone knows of any deals or sees any in the next month or so, please let me know.

It’s frustrating sometimes being interested in so many different topics, because I start spreading myself too thin and not really focusing on any topic well enough. I must find a select number of things and stay focused on those…bah…so difficult.

Anyway, a bit on the random side today…more tomorrow when I’m less incoherent.