

Always been a fan of finding the “right” tool but with time I’ve discovered that it’s not really possible to have the perfect tool. It’s more important that you have a tool-belt and that you’re flexible enough to change things out when needed. World is changing too fast to stay on only one thing.

To Review


  • Todoist for tracking day-to-day actions with some longer term ones as well.
  • Dropbox Paper is useful for note keeping and sharing with partner.
  • GMail primary online email for personal use.



  • Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
  • Visual Studio but mostly at work not as much at home
  • JetBrains applications including CLion, Rider, and IntelliJ
  • Sublime
  • pgAdmin III
  • P4V
  • NodeJS
  • PTVS (Python Tools for VS)

VSCode Extensions

Compiler Tools

Web Development


  • Synology

Tools to Explore

Helpful Utilities

Writing Documentation

My preferred way of writing documentation is definitely Markdown. Preferably with IEEE reference style (